Using one many automation scripts available in the /scripts folder, allows you to quickly configure, troubleshoot and execute powerful commands on your cPanel & WHM server by using one of the many automation scripts available in the scripts folder. Here are some of the more popular command line scripts available via cPanel & WHM:
- easyapache
- This powerful script allows you to compile, upgrade, and re-install Apache, PHP, and various modules. EasyApache makes it simple to run multiple PHP versions on your server and compile Apache and PHP modules.
- phpextensionmgr
- The phpextensionmgr script allows you to control your server’s PHP extensions. You can install, uninstall, view the status of, and list the available extensions.
- *up
- The *up script is used to manually update the various services on your cPanel & WHM server using various forms such as mysqlup, phpup and eximup. Although you can configure your services to update with cPanel, *up can be used for finer control.
- restartsrv_*
- The restartsrv_* script can be used to manually restart the various services on your cPanel server. This is the recommended method for restarting services through SSH.
- addpop
- The addpop script can be used to add pop email addresses through SSH. Through interactive prompts, addpop will create the new address and set the email address password under the proper user account.
- delpop
- The delpop scripts can be used to remove email accounts through SSH. Similar to the addpop script, delpop will remove the email address from the proper account.
- wwwacct
- The wwwacct script can be used to create accounts for your cPanel & WHM server. We’ve made this script full-featured in that you can define all of the parameters for the new account as you would through WHM.
- killpkg
- The killpkg account can be used in similar fashion as the wwwacct script to automate removal of accounts.
- restorepkg
- The restorepkg script can be used to manually restore an account from backup.
- cpbackup
- The cpbackup script can be used to manually trigger system wide backups on your cPanel & WHM server.
- pkgacct
- The pkgacct script is used within the cpbackup script and can be manually executed to create specific account or system wide backups.
- upcp
- The upcp script can be used to trigger the update process on your server. You can also configure whether you want server software and the OS updated by the upcp script.
- setupmailserver
- The setupmailserver script allows you to switch between courier and dovecot, or disable POP3 and IMAP functionality altogether.
- setupftpserver
- The setupftpserver script allows you to switch between pure-ftpd and proftpd, or disable ftp functionality altogether.
- setupnameserver
- The setupnameserver script allows you to switch between bind and nsd, or disable nameserver functions altogether.
- checkperlmodules
- The checkperlmodules script can be used to verify and repair the standard perl modules used by your cPanel & WHM server.
- suspendacct
- The suspendacct script can be used to automate suspension of accounts on your cPanel & WHM server.
- unsuspendacct
- The unsuspendacct script can be used to automate unsuspension of accounts on your cPanel & WHM server.
- makecpphp
- The makecpphp script can be used to rebuild the internal cPanel PHP installation (*note, this is a different script than the one used by Apache for accounts).
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